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Guard your Heart

Guard your Heart

Matthew 15:18-19 "But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart...
For out of the heart come evil thoughts..."

Jeremiah 17:9 " The heart if deceitful above all things..."

Every behavior stems from the HEART. 

Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

We were taught growing up to guard our Behavior.

Jesus teaches us to guard our HEART.

We have to shift from behavior modification to heart transformation.

Psalm 51:10 ESV "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

So you might ask, how do we guard our hearts?  It is often said, to monitor what we watch and listen to. What we focus on plays a major role in our lives. If we are focused on the negative, speaking it constantly, then we put it forth and reap it. If we always speak doubt, then it is difficult for our Faith to grow. When we curse and vent we are releasing what is rooted within our hearts.

We have heard it over and over to watch our tongues, or think before we speak. We must indeed consider if our words will encourage, discourage, motivate or insult, bring life or death to the hearers.
This is to serious of a topic, for we all are guilty on some occasions of venting, yelling insults, cursing and then we usually excuse it, rather than Repent for it.

A younger man and his bride have a wonderful program, a lesson and a booklet where they help people to help themselves change the way they talk. They use the word SHUCKS. They discuss the language to use to make the devil run! It is something we must more than ponder. YOU may not realize that you are often judged by the words you speak. Have you ever had someone tell you that you hurt them with what you said? Have you had someone remind you or bring to your attention what you said that they are judging?


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