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Believe and Be Blessed - Doubt and suffer the consequences!

Christian Stepmothers

I am reading from the NKJV Luke 1:37, "For with God nothing will be impossible."

After watching a Bible App video of Luke 1: 1-80; I read through the NKJV and a message for "us" came from the Bible verses.  I believe that these words can speak to a variety of people, both male and female, young and seasoned; however, the message that came forth to me to share is specifically for stepmothers.

For those who are not familiar with the Gospel according to Luke, please go to your Bible and read it - then return to read this message. This is the story of Zacharias and his visit from Gabriel, the angel of the Lord. It tells of how the angel of the Lord spoke truth to Zacharias, which Zacharias, failed to believe, and unfortunately suffered a consequence of it. Read verses 12-22 and you will see that the angel of the Lord told him that his seasoned wife would bear a son, and they were to call him John. Unfortunately, Zacarias replied, verse 18, " How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years."  Verse 19, And the angel answered and said to him, "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you glad tidings.

Luke 1: 20 is the consequence to Zacharias' unbelief. Verse 20, "But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time."--- See that I highlighted the consequence and italicized the reason for the consequence.  To this point, I want to say, when we read the scriptures, and then fail to obey or believe, I believe we can suffer consequences, as well. God has not changed from the book of  Genesis to  the final book of Revelations, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His ways are higher than ours and He is our Heavenly Father! Take a moment to think about an earthly father, whether you had one play a role in your life, or not - an earthly father blesses you and gives out consequences, as well, doesn't he?.....Now  Look at your own walk in your Christianity - when you believe that your Heavenly Father blessed you or, perhaps when you believe that you were dealing with a consequence of not only sin, but doubt or unbelief in a certain area or on a certain topic.

For years, in my former full time ministry, at a non-denominational church, I recall it being taught that every believer has areas of faith that they are strong in, with a possibility of two, that they are weak in. My memory of that teaching, is that the two areas, are the areas that the devil continually attacks us in. Think about your own trials, tribulations, and challenges - now think about your amount of FAITH in believing God for the Victory, or Help in these? DO you know where you are strong and where you are weak in your FAITH WALK? If you are not sure, simply pray and ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you, so that you can stay on guard regarding these, and prayerfully not be caught off guard, when you are challenged in these, but the devil.

I have been continually struggling in a certain area, and I have prayed, studied, researched and read and confessed scriptures, yet I still do not have the Victory in this area. I use the positive confessions, to override those negative ones that someone speaks to me, yet I find my mind talking to itself in wonderment, as to if I will not be able to have the victory, because of it,being a consequence for a past, that I  do not to want to reveal in this message.  It is because, I am not the subject of this message, the subject is Believing and being Blessed or Doubting and suffering the consequences.

Our Heavenly Father, knows all that we have said, and all that we do, stepmothers,  we can fool people, with wearing masks, yet we cannot fool God. It is best to be open and honest and communicate with your significant other (who should be your husband) if you are a stepmother. Right?  Back to the topic of Believe and Be Blessed - Doubt and suffer the consequences. Can you remember the "why" as to if you are dealing with what you think is a consequence? I am not trying to make you feel bad. We must live in a state of factual faith, not a faith of denial or fantasy faith.  We are where we currently are, for many reasons. DO you agree? It is due to what we have said or done, or not said or not done. Our current status in all areas, is due to blessings and consequences. From financial, to health to relationships and to maturity.

Further into the Gospel according to Luke, Gabriel appeared to Mary in verses 26-38. Now Gabriel spoke unto Mary that she was highly favored and blessed among women! He told her that she would conceive and bring forth a son and to call His name JESUS! In verse 34 Mary asked Gabriel How it could be, then in verse 38, Mary said, 'Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let is be to me according  to your word." And the angel departed from her.

To this I want to clarify, that I am simply speaking about us stepmothers, and our walk in faith. It is a very blessed and sometimes, challenging position or role in our lives. There are those who have said, they are so thankful and blessed, even when they are disrespected, and not feeling appreciated. Then there are so many more that have been transparently honest in a blended family FB group, and in our Christian Stepmothers FB group and page. The teen years and the BMs that cause us grief tend to bring us to a point of venting and a point of seeking counsel and prayer. I have had in the first 2 years of my relationship with my husband, a season of frustrations, expectations unfulfilled, and a few accusations and lies to battle. It is when I made myself, Remind myself, that I am not wrestling against flesh and blood, those individuals in the family, but according to the Word of God, in Eph. 6:12 KJV For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

Stepmothers, although it may feel like the family members or even friends are the enemy, we must pray and do the faith battle with the real enemy, the devil and as the scripture states the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. We can ask Holy Spirit to help us to walk in love and forgiveness, to walk in wisdom and to stay calm in the midst of chaos.

We are praying for you and your families and we ask that you join us in praying for those who are in need and seeking counsel and prayer. We must try to get our churches to start Christian Stepmothers auxiliaries, so that we can be ministered to specifically.


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