When you get so discouraged, disappointed or start to walk in fear, God says you can! YOU can do it! All righteous things - from words, actions and expressions, you have the authority, the empowerment and the grace to do in Jesus Name! Greater is He whom is inside of you, than he which is in the world. Ladies, stepmothers - we must be focused more on who we are in Christ Jesus, than who some say we are, even if it is ourselves, our husbands, our stepchildren, or our in-laws. Even our most trusted friends, may say unto us the negative things, which lead us astray, into the falsehood of who we are as a married woman, and stepmother. Believe God's Word over another. ( Scripture reference is: 1 John 4:4) All things are possible to those who Believe. So, when you or another are saying that something is not possible, especially if it is righteous, then focus on the TRUTH, rather than the lie being said. The Bible is the True word, unto who you are, and what is possible, not a...